Peer Review History: Study on the Construction of Wedge Functions for Degree n-Approximation over the Convex Quadrilateral Element


(1) Prof. Abbas Mohammed, Professor, Senior Consultant, Ex Audio AB, Sweden.

Approved by:

(1) Prof. Metin Basarir, Sakarya University, Turkey.


(1) Toufik Zebbiche, Institute of Aeronautics and Space Studies, University of Blida 1, Algeria.

(2) Isra Natheer Alkallak, College of Nursing, University of Mosul, Iraq.

Additional Reviewers:

Additional Reviewers: (Comments received after deadline)

Peer Review History:

Peer review report_1 (Toufik Zebbiche, Algeria) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_2 (Isra Natheer Alkallak, Iraq) | File 1 | NA

Comment_Academic_Editor | File 1 | NA

Comment_Book_Editor | File 1 | NA