Peer Review History: Insights into Basketball Player Conditioning: Analyzing Pre-season Training’s Impact on Physiological and Biochemical Indices- A Systematic Review


(1) Prof. Khalil Kassmi, Mohamed Premier University, Morocco.

Approved by:

(1) Dr. Ana Sofia Pedrosa Gomes dos Santos, Assistant Professor, UIDEF – Instituto da Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.


(1) Akshita Dayanand Goel, Renew Physiotherapy Clinic, India.

(2) Alireza Barari, Islamic Azad University, Iran.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) I. John Parthiban, H. H. The Rajah’s College, Pudukkottai Affiliated to Bharahidasan University, India.

(2) Yanina Alejandra Corrada, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.

Additional Reviewers: (Comments received after deadline)

Peer Review History:

Peer Review Report_1 (Akshita Dayanand Goel, India) | File 1 | NA

Peer Review Report_2 (Alireza Barari, Iran) | File 1 | NA

Comment_Academic_Editor | File 1 | NA

Comment_Book_Editor | File 1 | NA