Peer Review History: Complex Physical Phenomenology of EDM with Technological Applications


(1)Prof. Koji Nagata, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.

Approved by:

(1) Dr. Francisco Welington de Sousa Lima, Universidade Federal do PiauĂ­, Teresina, Brazil.


(1) Mouli Prasanth, Anna University, India.

(2) Md Razak Daud, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Malaysia.

(3) Taoufik Kamoun, Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sfax, Tunisia.

(4) Sivasubramanian Palanisamy, P T R College of Engineering & Technology, India.

(5) Ghaith Hadi Jihad, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq.

Additional Reviewers:

Additional Reviewers: (Comments received after deadline)

Peer Review History:

Peer review report_1 (Mouli Prasanth, India) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_2 (Md Razak Daud, Malaysia) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_3 (Taoufik Kamoun, Tunisia) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_4 (Sivasubramanian Palanisamy, India) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_5 (Ghaith Hadi Jihad, Iraq) | File 1 | File 2

Comment_Academic_Editor | File 1 | NA

Comment_Book_Editor | File 1 | NA