Peer Review History: Constructive and Historical Analysis of the Tower of Hercules: Ancient Roman Lighthouse Still in Use


(1) Prof. Abbas Mohammed, Fellow IET, Senior Member IEEE, Professor, Senior Consultant ExAudio AB, Sweden.


(1) Homan Khajeh Pour, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Iran.

(2) Vandna Sharma, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, India.

(3) Kanika Bansal, Chitkara University, India.

Additional Reviewers:

Additional Reviewers: (Comments received after deadline)

Peer Review History:

Peer review report_1 (Homan Khajeh Pour, Iran) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_2 (Vandna Sharma, India) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_3 (Kanika Bansal, India) | File 1 | NA

Comment_Editor | File 1 | NA