Peer Review History: Kerala’s Model: Unraveling the Interplay between Election Dynamics and COVID-19 Propagation for International Insights


(1) Prof. Vinoth Prabhu Veeramani, University of Tabuk, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


(1) Indrayadi Gunardi, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia.

(2) Ricardo Marcão, Portugal.

(3) N. Samuel Babu, Holy Mary Institute of Technology & Science, India   .

Additional Reviewers:

Additional Reviewers: (Comments received after deadline)

Peer Review History:

Peer review report_1 (Indrayadi Gunardi, Indonesia) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_2 (Ricardo Marcão, Portugal) | File 1 | NA

Peer review report_2 (N. Samuel Babu, India) | File 1 | NA

Comment_Editor | File 1 | NA